Garrison Keillor, Consummate Radio Storyteller, Signs Off This Weekend

Radio itself is old-fashioned, of course, and yet – between Web-based podcasting, satellite radio and mobile apps — it is very much of the moment. Storytelling, which is the job inside Keillor’s bigger job, and one at which he casually excels, is the engine that drives “This American Life,” “Snap Judgment,” “StoryCorps” and “The Moth.”

TV On The Radio: Analog Television Signals Squat At The Far Left Of The FM Dial

“As analog TV gave way to digital, a handful of risk-taking broadcasters, sensing an opportunity, have started to run those analog TV stations as FM radio stations – big FCC plans be damned. The shift is surprisingly contentious in the world of broadcast. Today, we talk about the special superpowers of Channel 6, the analog TV station on the FM dial.”

Sorry, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Basing A Country’s Governance Solely On ‘The Weight Of Evidence’ Could Not Work

On Wednesday, America’s star astrophysicist sent out this tweet: “Earth needs a virtual country: #Rationalia, with a one-line Constitution: All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence.” Jesse Singal explains that “it is, in fact, a pretty dumb tweet – uncharacteristically so, given how smart the author is – but one which usefully sums up a common misconception held by folks who bang the drum loudest for science and reason.”

This Theater Slashed Ticket Prices To Increase And Diversify Its Audiences – ‘What Happened Next Was A Revelation’

In 2005, Signature Theatre, an off-Broadway house on far West 42nd Street, “did a very hard-to-do thing. They convinced a big corporation, Time Warner, to hand the theater $500,000 to try to chip away at the price barrier. Before that grant, tickets to Signature’s shows had cost around $55. After the grant, they cost just $15.” (includes audio)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.30.16

Beware the volunteer sentence
It can be comforting when a solution or a path presents itself to you as the obvious choice. When you feel comfortable moving to the next problem or question without even thinking much about the one at hand. … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2016-06-30

A problem with classical music publicists
I’ve said these things before. But they need to be said again, following up on my last post, about a quick way to improve almost any publicity pitch. … read more
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Changing Color
Susan Marshall, Jason Treuting, and Suzanne Bocanegra explore our perception of color. Is this the coolest ever lecture on color theory? Yes and no. … read more
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