In Mexico – A Challenge To Intellectual Firepower

In Mexico, where the term ‘intellectual’ usually connotes a person possessing mental gravitas, serious literary chops and at least a few friends in high places, intellectuals have enjoyed a degree of name-brand recognition that’s rare in all but a handful of countries — France comes to mind — at least among the educated chattering classes. Along with that acclaim, intellectuals reap other rewards: generous government stipends, cultural and academic sinecures, ambassadorships and access to those wielding power. But lately something funny has been happening on the way to the symposium. Mexico’s powerful mass media, particularly television and radio commentators, are steadily usurping intellectuals’ power to shape public opinion.”

Congressmen Demand Answers On Rating For Christian Movie

Members of the US Congress are demanding to know why a Christian-themed movie was rated PG. “House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and other lawmakers are demanding explanations after hearing complaints that the movie ‘Facing the Giants’ was rated PG instead of G due to religious content. The Motion Picture Association of America claims the controversy arose from a miscommunication with the filmmakers. It says religion was not the reason for the rating.”