Roman Empire Redux?

The parallels between ancient Rome and the new American empire are great, posits Cullen Murphy. “Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has stood alone as the world’s dominant power. So, for centuries, did Rome. Much has been made of the comparison, both by those who have urged America to seize its imperial destiny and by others who fear the consequences of doing so.”

YouTube Goes International

The video-sharing website spawns multi-lingually. “YouTube’s multiplication is one more sign that the young video site is following its mother ship’s loving admonitions: Don’t ever stop growing, be friendly to everyone you meet, facilitate geocultural interconnection and — this one’s important, Yutie — try to make billions in ad revenue while you’re at it.”

The New Chinese Movies – Triumph Or Hackery?

“For the past two years Chinese films have shattered box-office records here, while outperforming Hollywood imports. Yet far from inspiring national pride, these films, from the well-known directors Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang, have sparked a heated, sometimes vituperative domestic debate about the future of Chinese cinema and whether the country’s leading filmmakers are true artists or merely politically savvy hacks.”

A Loveletter To NYCB

The new New York City Ballet season is a rolling feast, writes Alastair Macaulay. “In the 1990s there used to be complaints that Mr. Martins was giving his audience too little Balanchine choreography, and that all-Balanchine programs had become distressingly rare. I hope the complainers remembered to appreciate this spring’s rich fare.”

Inside The Smithsonian Scandals

“Few people familiar with the Smithsonian in Washington and its various underperforming, weirdly performing and, in some cases, barely existent art and culture museums were much surprised by any of this. The institution has been deteriorating for a while, which has come to seem like part of its musty machinery. Besides, in the grand arena of national politics, why should anyone care about the sins and missteps of a museum complex?”