The College Is Closing. And The Books?

So debt-ridden Antioch College is closing. What’s to happen to the school’s books? “The stolid-looking brick building on the serene campus in west-central Ohio houses some 325,000 books. Yet its irreplaceable heritage is its special collections, including the papers of Horace Mann, Antioch’s first president, and those of Arthur Morgan, who ran the school in the 1920s and pioneered the idea of co-op education: Antioch students spend several semesters off campus, working in their chosen fields.”

The Concertification Of Jazz

More jazz clubs close in Chicago. It’s not that jazz is disappearing. But the music is moving out of the clubs and onto concert stages. “Club shows and concert performances clearly can coexist, and they do in Chicago and other major jazz cities. But it’s concerts, not club dates, that are the growth industry, and have been for years.”

MassMoCA Versus The Artist

The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art has been in a dispute with artist Christoph Büchel over an installation that went wrong and was ultimately canceled by the museum. But now the museum is showing the incomplete installation under some peculiar circumstances. “Yellow tarps affixed to construction fencing block the visitor’s view of most of the materials assembled for the project. This is to propound the idea that the museum is not actually exhibiting Büchel’s unfinished work and cannot therefore be sued for doing so. If the US District Court in Springfield rules in the museum’s favor, then the fencing will be removed.”