Is It Useful To Attach Labels To Theatre?

There should be no problem identifying a writer as black, but identifying a play as “black” (as in “black theatre company” and the like) seems to suggest exclusion, in the same way as “disabled theatre company” almost appears to start with special pleading, each modification seeming to enforce the idea that theatre companies are, unless otherwise stated, white and able-bodied.

The Positive Side Of Celebrity Worship

“This habit of latching onto the personal lives of the famous is widely derided as a sad attempt by lonely people to make up for the lack of intimacy in their own lives. But Jaye Derrick sees it differently. Her research suggests these ‘parasocial relationships’ –that is, a “relationship” where the other person doesn’t know you exist — can actually be a positive influence, es pecially for people with low self-esteem.”

Christopher Rouse On The High Cost Of Writing Opera

“It’s so much work. You spend years on this sucker. Then you have to deal with casting, and you have to deal with all of the egos and all of that. And yes, indeed, you do have to work with the singers, you have to work with the stage director, you need to work with the scene people, the lighting people, the musicians, the conductor, all of these extra people. And then it probably will be staged once, get ho hum reviews, and disappear forever. Uh, I don’t know. There are other things I guess I’d rather be doing.”

Museums Group Condemns Art-Renting Practices

“The Italian branch of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) has just produced a paper denouncing the practice of charging money to lend a work. This is not about wide-ranging projects such as the Louvre Abu Dhabi, where the Gulf state is paying e1bn over 30 years into an endowment fund for French museums not just to lend works of art but effectively create a whole museum culture.”