Should We Time-Limit Our Arts Leaders?

“Should we limit the tenure of all of our leadership – senior and middle management to some arbitrary maximum term? Would this result in new ideas, leaner and more productive organizations, fresher perspectives, increased support and better results given an organization’s mission statement? Or would it simply be pushing good people out at the peak of their performance level when they still have much more to contribute?”

The Compelling Allure Of Lost Art

“Some of the most legendary works in history are lost – and their lost-ness is part of their fascination. Lost art can never disappoint. It is beyond criticism. It can easily become a myth, tantalising those who hear or read of it, obsessing them, driving them to rediscover or somehow recreate it. Art detectives may waste their entire lives searching for absent masterpieces.”

Photographing Kids At The Beach And In The Clubs: A Q&A WIth Artist Rineke Dijkstra

“I was working for magazines and newspapers, and at a certain point I felt that I was an artist … I felt more like an art photographer. I thought maybe I should take a couple months off to think about a project for myself. The last day of the two months that I gave myself to think about everything, I broke my hip in a bike accident. So then I had a lot of time to think [laughs]. And I think that that moment I realized how vulnerable you could be, that something can just happen.”