Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.01.14

Do Opera And Art Museums Mix? An Experiment
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-02

Jeremy Denk Responds re The Classical Style
AJBlog: CultureCrash | Published 2014-07-01

The middlebrow minstrel
AJBlog: About Last Night | Published 2014-07-01

Do You Know the Way to Cy Près? What’s Wrong with Corcoran’s Court Petition
AJBlog: CultureGrrl | Published 2014-07-01

Back To Koons: More Food For Thought
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-01


Meredith Monk On How Artists Create

“To make something, you have to be a deep-sea diver. You can have fear at the beginning, but then ultimately when curiosity takes over — at least this happens for me — then my fear goes away little by little because I get really interested in what I’ve discovered. We’re the R & D branch of the world, doing research and development all the time just to make an artwork. Making an artwork itself is a political statement in the world that we’re living in.”