Does ‘Infinity’ Really Exist?

“This is a surprisingly ancient question. It was Aristotle who first introduced a clear distinction to help make sense of it. He distinguished between two varieties of infinity” – potential infinity and actual inifinities. He argued (maddeningly) that the potential kind does exist while the actual do not and cannot exist. Since then, the mathematicians, physicists, cosmologists and theologians have been weighing in …

Barnes Foundation’s Ex-CEO Claims Organization Was Never ‘Bankrupt’ (Strictly Speaking)

Kimberly Camp, who is writing a book on the museum’s controversial move, posted on her blog, “Bankruptcy was not the reason we filed the petition to move the Foundation to the city. At the time the petition was filed, the Barnes Foundation had a cash surplus and we had no debt – none. But, saying so made the rescue so much more gallant.”

What’s The Problem With The Shard? It’s Too Short

James S. Russell: “The surface modeling … [of] facets to catch the varying light, and carved deep vertical seams … gives the tower presence on the skyline, but its proportions, seen full height, are ruinous. It’s too thick at the bottom and looks as if it crushes its brick and stone surroundings – among the most ancient in London – rather than soars out of them.”

Soprano Evelyn Lear, 86

“Like a lot of American singers, [she] first made her name in Europe, where she triumphed especially as Marie in Berg’s Wozzeck and in the title role of his Lulu … Throughout her career, she enjoyed successes in the standard repertoire as well, especially works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Puccini and Strauss.”