Enormous Painting From Uzbekistan Inspired By 1001 Nights To Tour Europe

“It’s longer than an Olympic swimming pool, took two-and-a-half years to complete and fulfils a 40-year dream — a new mega-canvas by one of Uzbekistan’s best-known artists,” Lekim Ibragimov. “[He] started working on the project – named One Thousand Angels and One Painting – in 2010 and put the finishing touches on it in April.”

Five Truths About Marathon Plays

Michael Billington: “Advertise an event that lasts the best part of a day and you will find the box office quickly besieged. Having sat through a couple of epics in the last fortnight – Gatz at the Noel Coward and Druid Murphy at the Hampstead – I not only have a new understanding of the phrase ‘putting in an eight-hour day’ but have come to several conclusions.”

Piano Rolls For the 21st Century: Composer Knits Scarves That Control Disklavier

“By weaving conductive thread into the yarn, [Jeff] Bryant found that he could manipulate the fiber to control a musical instrument … So, with help from a costume designer, Bryant knit a few conductive scarves and asked a dancer to wear them. As the dancer performed Bryant’s push_push … the scarves activated the piano’s keys through wireless signals.”

Dan Brown Books Are Most-Donated To Charity (Part 4)

“Dan Brown may no longer be the fastest-selling adult author of all time, losing out on that record last week to EL James and her slice of erotica Fifty Shades of Grey, but The Da Vinci Code author has retained another, less sought-after honour: he has topped Oxfam’s list of the writers most donated to its charity shops for the fourth year running.”

Why Is Artspeak So Full Of Hype? (Does Anyone Believe It?)

The press release is evasive, couched in vacuous language overseasoned with superlatives: the show “connects absolutely local issues, the most intimate meanings of place and time, with great currents of art and thought”. No details about what these issues or currents may be, of course; and yet this, apparently, amounts to a “groundbreaking premise”.