Amid UK Arts Funding Cuts, Dance To Get More Money

“The art form, collectively, receives a 9.4% increase in NPO funding, upping its slice from 11 to 12%. Better yet, there are signs that ACE is formulating a strategy for building a more secure network for dance across England, brokering relationships between large and small organisations, creating links between individual companies, theatres and regional dance agencies that should give the still-fragile dance ecology a firmer base.”

UK’s Big Arts Funding Cuts Make Disparity Between London And The Rest Of The Country Even Starker

“The ACE have the arrogance to declare that London vs the rest of the UK is an equal match worth fighting, and one in which funds can be distributed equally between the two. The extensive nature of their report proves that despite their attempts to disguise the vicious nature of the cuts with a garish pink font, the ACE cannot claim ignorance about the existence of a 14:1 imbalance of London’s arts budget compared to the rest of England.”

Why Root Against Amazon In Hachette Dispute? It’s Publishers Who Have Been Anti-Consumer

“As a number of authors have pointed out, including Hugh Howey, the biggest competitive threat in the book business isn’t the electronic retailer, it’s the Big Five publishers. They’re the ones who have tried desperately to keep book prices high — especially ebook prices — and yet continue to pay their authors a fraction of what Amazon does.”

Why The ‘Save The Corcoran’ Lawsuit Matters

Philip Kennicott: “A simple dismissal of their right to be heard will render any subsequent decision in the case illegitimate in the eyes of many Washingtonians, including much of the local arts community. Artists are essential to the cultural and economic vitality of the District, and they are arguing, in clear and compelling terms, that tearing up William Corcoran’s deed is bad for the sector they represent. And that’s bad for all of us.”

Author Walter Dean Myers, 76

“He sold more than 15 million copies of his more than 100 books. He was a National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and a three-time finalist for the National Book Award (in the Young People’s Literature category). He won the Coretta Scott King Award six times and was a Newbery Honor recipient twice. His slim, tightly focused novels most often took on the full scope of difficult lives.”

Let’s Just Ignore All Those Studies About The Terrible Things That Will Happen If You Watch Too Much TV, Okay?

Neil Genzlinger: “That television will kill you isn’t particularly new … But this critic, at least, has stopped paying attention to any report that begins, ‘A new study finds that watching television could …’ He has done so because there are so many of them, and they have sent confusing, sometimes contradictory messages.”