L.A. Metro Promises – With A Contract – That New Subway Won’t Make Disney Hall Rumble

“An agreement … went into effect this week, formally committing Metro to making sure that the sensitive stretch of its $1 billion downtown Regional Connector Project won’t add any audible vibrations. The agreement sets out a process for what will happen if those preventive measures fail – with a Music Center lawsuit to collect damages the worst-case scenario.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.02.14

Change in the arts sector. Can we speed it up or must we wait it out?
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BlogBack: George Washington University on Its Plans for Corcoran College
AJBlog: CultureGrrl | Published 2014-07-02

Love of art and love of place
AJBlog: For What It’s Worth | Published 2014-07-02

Flying On
AJBlog: Dancebeat | Published 2014-07-03

Save The Corcoran Petition Filed, But…
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-03





Hollywood’s Summer Box Office Is Down 13 Percent (Already?) Time To Worry?

“Heading into summer, overall box office was actually up roughly 9%, compared with 2013. But since early May, the wind has gone out of Hollywood’s sails, and that healthy head start has been wiped away. With the summer season typically making up as much as 40% of the studios’ overall annual revenue, the recent box office swoon has been worrying for the industry, though perhaps not panic-inducing.”