Where The Big Symphony Bucks Are: L.A.

“Chicago Symphony Orchestra President Deborah R. Card earned a salary of $423,300 for 2004-05. But she was far from being the highest-paid symphony orchestra executive director that season, according to figures reported to the IRS and posted last week by Drew McManus on his Adaptistration blog (artsjournal.com/adaptistration). … The symphony orchestra CEO who received the fattest compensation package by far was Card’s colleague Deborah Borda, executive director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, who drew a whopping $1,325,542.”

Catching On To Zaha Hadid

“For many years Hadid was sidelined as an architect of dreams, a paper architect, whose buildings simply could not be realised. But in the past five years she has proved she can build successfully, on a big scale, and that there’s no stopping her. In Britain, it has taken us a while to catch on to Hadid. Many avant-garde designers and artists have suffered similar delays of response.”