Why Do Writers Care So Much About Genres?

“It’s amazing how the question of genre category, and especially the definition of “literary” fiction, is still sparking more passion and frank upset among writers and fans than any subject (except perhaps gender, and the two are not unrelated, since some genres are associated with genders; “hard” sci-fi with men, paranormal romance with women, etc).”

High School Students Descend On Broadway

Each student has come to New York having won a regional award for a specific performance. They arrive prepared with a song from that show to perform, not to mention their costume in tow. A group of coaches–this year that included the musical theater performers Liz Callaway and Leslie Odom Jr. who, yes, was on “Smash”–split them into groups where they create medley around their songs, much like the openers on “American Idol.”

German City Loses Its Beloved Irish Choreographer

“Marguerite Donlon … has become something of a local celebrity since founding the Donlon Dance Company in 2001. After a dozen high-flying years, however, … the Saarland state theatre terminated her contract by mutual agreement– two years early. The news came as a bombshell in Saarbrücken and triggered an extraordinary outpouring of love for the diminutive 47-year-old.”