Music Producers Need To Make Existential Shift In How They Think About Selling Music

“To take an academic look at music marketing, the traditional ‘sale’ was usually somewhere near the end of a customer experience journey: awareness, discovery, interest, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation, and advocacy. Now we have a situation where the ‘play’ is conceivably part of every step. So thinking holistically, if we view ‘experience’ as the product of a record label now, we need a way to measure it effectively, and that’s why it feels like there is a data ‘arms race’ going on at the moment.”

The Term “Modernism” Gets Thrown Around A Lot. But What Does It Actually Mean

“What remains unresolved — at once exciting and haunting — is a central paradox in the field. Scan the program of any recent conference of the Modernist Studies Association, the titles of articles published in Modernism/modernity, or the monographs published in the field (at least a half-dozen presses have initiated series in modernist studies in the past decade, with more coming), and one will similarly find “modernism” endlessly modified by prefixes.”

The Pyro-American: New Yorker Art Critic Peter Schjeldahl Tells Tales Of His Legendary Homemade Fourth Of July Fireworks Show

“It was a ragged little affair, taking place at first dark, after an afternoon of beer and hot dogs and participatory firecrackers and bottle rockets, ending with a bonfire of cleared brush. People liked it. I resolved to top it the next year, and that became a rule: ever bigger, ever better. (The final show, in 2015, was colossal. Ask anybody.)”

Film Links Dance To Architecture

“Humans interact with space; shapes define space; humans then interact differently with the space after new objects have entered the picture. In the case of the dancer in the video, her movements are tracked by a machine that then bends an industrial CNC pipe to mimic her. The objects are then placed around the room, thereby affecting her future choreography.”

Consultant Reports On What’s Ailing The Philadelphia Orchestra

Michael Kaiser “conducted more than 100 interviews with orchestra staff, board, donors, musicians, and interested others, and offers observations and advice on a shrinking audience and a funding base that has not kept pace with expenses. Kaiser’s report also paints a picture of an organization that is not very good at communication – with donors, musicians, the community, or the media. Among other ideas, the report suggests an annual town-hall meeting on the state of the orchestra.”

Is ‘Hamilton’ Latino Theatre?

“Yes, it’s conceived and written by Miranda, with Music Director Alex Lacamoire who is Cuban, but the music is mostly rap and a mixture of Broadway shows tunes and other styles. Some argue the music is influenced by Latina/o rhythms. The immigrant theme is salient, but not specifically Latina/o. Does it really matter?”