Defendants In Oakland Ghost Ship Fire Case Plead No Contest To Manslaughter

Three dozen people were killed in a December 2016 fire at the warehouse known as the Ghost Ship, which had been illegally occupied as an artists’ colony. Derek Almena, who held the lease to the building, and Max Harris, who assisted Almena as a sort of super, initially pled not guilty but have now pleaded no contest to 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter and are expected to serve several years in prison.

There’s A New, 90-Minute Tour Of The Louvre, Based On Beyoncé And Jay-Z’s Video

Their song “Apeshit” has been viewed tens of millions of times on YouTube since it came out, and the Louvre is not unaware of their influence. Now the museum, “which already has a tour based on the US rapper’s hit ‘Smile Mona Lisa,’ has created another based on the Carters’ night in the museum. It follows the video through 17 paintings and sculptures which feature in the six-minute clip, going from the monumental white Greek marble ‘Nike of Samothrace’ to Marie Benoist’s ‘Portrait of a Negress.'”

Inside The Jimmy Awards: A Week With America’s Most Gifted High School Theatre Nerds

“For a certain group of musical theater fans, Christmas comes in June. This Christmas has everything yours does. It has beloved songs. It has lights. It has pageantry. It bestows gifts. It involves pilgrimages across great distances. It is the Jimmy Awards, and it is the most wonderful time of the year. ‘What are the Jimmy Awards?’ you ask, like an innocent child. Short answer? They are the high-school Tonys.”

President Macron Orders Complete Review Of France’s Artist-Residency System

“The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has asked a senior civil servant to conduct a review of artist residencies funded by the French state, which could lead to the abolition of some culture programmes. … [His] main aim is to make France more attractive ‘to great artistic talents from all over the world’, underlining that the government spends more than €7m annually on around 500 residencies in the fields of visual and performance arts.”

How Audible Is Powering The Next Revolution In Book Publishing

Audible isn’t exactly a giant-killer yet, but it is putting out an intriguing mix of content, one that—if you squint a bit—resembles the work being done by the publishing houses Audible simultaneously is partnering with and competing against. Audible is emphasizing its strengths while essentially taking what it can get from big-name authors—it’s a smart, patient strategy that is yielding results.