Art In The Virtual World

“With over 7 million registered users, Second Life–an online virtual world complete with land, residents and a growing ­economy–is developing one of the largest art communities on the internet. The site’s money-making and marketing potential to reach a new, younger audience is already being tapped by major corporations.”

Tory Leader Appeals To Recording Companies

UK Tory leader David Cameron has “appealed to the British Phonographic Industry to bring its influence to bear on the ‘anti-learning’ and pro-violence culture blighting Britain’s youth. Mr Cameron repeated a plea he first made last summer for an end to violent and misogynistic lyrics which, he believes, are contributing to Britain’s ‘broken society’.”

Lincoln Center Mourns Sills

“The death of Beverly Sills was deeply felt yesterday throughout the institutions that make up Lincoln Center. Perhaps no other cultural figure has been so closely identified with it. She performed on its stages, ran its boardrooms and executive suites, and leaned on wealthy New Yorkers in its lobbies to give money for the arts.”