The Bolshoi Scandal We Missed: Star Ballerina Walks Out Of Onegin

Svetlana Zakharova, one of Russia’s most famous dancers, was to take the role of Tatiana opposite US visitor David Hallberg in several of this month’s performances of the John Cranko ballet. But last week, when she discovered she had not been scheduled to perform on opening night, she stormed out of rehearsal and refused to return to the theater.

UK Performing Arts Companies Say Touring Drying Up Because Of Venue Deals

“Producers have said more venues are resorting to a box office split – whereby takings are distributed according to a negotiated amount between the venue and producer – rather than a guaranteed fee where the touring company knows it can cover its costs. Small to mid-scale touring companies are claiming this trend could put them out of business.”

Painting Now? (Whatever!)

“People have been painting since the stone age, and the conscious, written history of painting goes back to ancient Greece. When a painter faces a blank canvas, that weight of tradition is daunting – you are doing the same thing Caravaggio and Rembrandt did. What can you add that is truly new?”