How Do You Choreograph A Dance With 10,000 Gestures, Every One Of Them Different?

10000 Gestures … may be a one-line idea, but it’s an extremely complicated one. [Boris] Charmatz’s concept is that no gesture – a word he uses to refer to any single movement, be it a dance step or a shoulder shrug – is ever repeated; and that every dancer’s sequence is unique.” Says Charmatz, “If you don’t repeat, you are throwing your material away all the time. You cannot do ‘good’ choreography like this. … It takes the pressure away.”

In Qatar, Cultural Institutions Try To Carry On Through The Blockade

The tense standoff with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt is putting as deep a strain on the Persian Gulf nation’s efforts to become a cultural capital as it is on the rest of the country. Even so, work continues: as one arts professional in Doha puts it, “If political relations were severed for any period of time, the close family connections across the region would act as a continued link. … At the moment, everything is continuing as normal.”

The Met Has Put Off Building A New Wing For Leonard Lauder’s Cubism Collection – So Will He Still Donate The Paintings?

“Hanging over the Met’s decision this year to postpone its new $600 million wing for Modern and contemporary art – as well as the museum’s recent management turmoil – have been nagging questions: Is Mr. Lauder’s gift, valued at more than $1 billion four years ago, now at risk? If the Met takes too long to resurrect the project or ultimately scales it back, might Mr. Lauder take his collection elsewhere?” Lauder says definitely not, but the donation contract does have a completion date.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.04.17

The purpose of panning
My Wall Street Journal review of the Broadway revival of Hello, Dolly! stirred up a good-sized dust storm of controversy, as pans are wont to do. … read more
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Kusama Exhibit Is A Wow – And More
Yayoi Kusama is one of those artists whose work is easy to love. Although she made it (or much of it) as therapy for herself … read more
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Rethinking “Classical Radio”
When commercial radio was new, the airwaves were saturated with classical music – not just recordings and live concerts, but highly produced pedagogical programs. You could tune into Abram Chasins for tips on playing Chopin … read more
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