Using OJ’s Book Against Him

“OJ Simpson’s controversial account of how he would have killed his wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman is finally to be published, following a court order issued last month. But the proposed publication will not benefit Simpson, his family or any of those involved in the original, aborted project.”

Mob Hit On The American Novel?

“Has Tony Soprano whacked the American novel? This question is not as facetious as it might at first seem. Novelists from Norman Mailer to Gary Shteyngart have described the show – which as yet does not exist between two covers – as a Great American Novel, and for good reason. Spread across nearly 100 hours of viewing time, The Sopranos developed characters to a degree unparalleled in American television.”

British Museum To Build Big New Exhibit Center

The museum says it needs the space to show the biggest exhibitions. “It has already had to turn down the chance to show 130 spectacular treasures – the largest collection of Tutankhamun artefacts assembled in the West, which will instead be exhibited in the O2 , formerly the Dome, in Greenwich, southeast London. It is now drawing up ambitious plans to construct a centre at the back of its historic building.”

Hollywood’s Summer Blues

This summer was supposed to generate record box office for the movies. But “in fact, attendance is running behind last summer’s and has even fallen below that of summer 2005, a year of box-office duds that had some analysts predicting audiences were abandoning movie houses in favor of home theaters and other entertainment options. With studios offering a stronger late-season lineup than normal this year, attendance likely will pick up and lift Hollywood to a respectable summer. Still, early forecasts that Hollywood would have its first $4 billion summer now look like wishful thinking.”

New Ad Ratings Roil Market

A new ad ratings program has changed the TV ad buying market. “Advertisers paid extra to have ad buys based on the new ratings service. They did so on the broadcast side and would do so on the cable side if the currency is adopted there as well, sellers said. Audiences for ads in prime time are about 5 percent smaller on average across the major broadcast networks than the audiences for the programs, according to Nielsen Media Research.”