Failure To Read – America’s Dumbest Generation

“The way Mark Bauerlein sees it, something new and disastrous has happened to America’s youth with the arrival of the instant gratification go-go-go digital age. The result is, essentially, a collective loss of context and history, a neglect of ‘enduring ideas and conflicts.’ Survey after painstakingly recounted survey reveals what most of us already suspect: that America’s youth know virtually nothing about history and politics. And no wonder. They have developed a brazen disregard of books and reading.”

Pompeii Declared “Disaster Zone”

“The Italian government has been forced to declare a state of emergency at the archeological site of Pompeii because of its severe state of disrepair. Archaeologists and art historians have been decrying the decay at Pompeii for many years. Its upkeep has been strangled by a lack of funds, litter, looting, mismanagement as well as illegal tour guides and stray dogs.”

A Dangerous Time For Critics

“Essentially, our civilisation is tilting towards anti-authoritarian contests. Audiences, not judges, select winners. Call it the American Idolisation of culture. On TV, contestants get voted off without explanation. Quality is measured by thumbs, up or down. Scholarly analyses have turned into irrelevant extravagances for snobs. Many US papers have abandoned thoughtful, detailed reviews altogether. Publishers, editors and, presumably, readers want instant evaluations and newsbites, preferably with flashy pictures. It is Zagat-think, simplicity for the simple-minded.”

Why Kids Need Theatre

“It used to be the norm that children would automatically go to the theatre at school. There used to be a time when that would be a child’s first experience of theatre. There are still some theatre groups that go into schools, but they are becoming rarer. An increasingly restrictive national curriculum puts teachers under more pressure than ever. That, together with the red tape over school trips, makes it harder for children to experience theatre.”