Can Philosophy Help In Dealing With Grief?

“At times like these, philosophers are of limited use because when they have talked about dying they have tended to focus on what it means for the one who dies. … A much more useful philosophy would help us to prepare for the deaths of others. I have never been sure that philosophy does a good job of that. But perhaps a philosophical outlook can help us make sense of death when it comes close to us.”

What Drives Talent Migration

Using the lens of migration, I will describe how the economy has changed from an era of manufacturing to the celebrated age of innovation. I contend the Innovation Economy has peaked with the last financial crisis and global recession serving as a break. I call the emerging epoch the “Talent Economy.”

Dudley Knight, Innovative Theatre Teacher, 73

“The methods he developed at UC Irvine, where he began teaching in 1981, joining the faculty full time in 1985, made him something of an iconoclast. He criticized, and offered an alternative to, a classic approach for teaching actors to speak properly that was propounded by Edith Skinner, a legendary professor at Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh (now Carnegie Mellon University) and the Juilliard School in New York City.”