“A bad week for women and a good one for geeks, sighed an industry insider after a couple of days that saw one of British publishing’s two queens abdicating, and the other resigning herself to a less regal role.”
Tag: 07.05.13
Court Rules There’s A Seventh Monty Python Member
“How many members of the Monty Python comedy troupe have there been? Think carefully before you respond, because an incorrect answer could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
The Music Industry Has Been Transformed. Now What?
“The past decade radically changed the music industry’s landscape. What do the next 10 hold? We asked the best and brightest to look into the crystal ball and tell us what they saw.”
Why Music Competitions Don’t Work
“Given their record of near-total failure to identify artists of promise, why does anyone still bother to hold music competitions at all? It seems clear that they’ve become irrelevant–especially now that the road to success for classical musicians is no longer as well defined as it was in 1958.”
BBC Abandons 3D TV For Lack Of Interest
“The BBC began a two-year 3D trial in 2011, broadcasting several shows and events in 3D, including the Olympic Games and Strictly Come Dancing.”
A Symphony Orchestra That’s Thriving: Kansas City
“What we see in the Kansas City Symphony is a culture of mutual respect. A lot of orchestras talk about respect, but the Kansas City Symphony really practices it.”