This Is The Woman Who Animated ‘Sesame Street’

“‘Jane dreamed up many innovative techniques — before the age of computers — to bring inanimate objects to life,’ said Christopher Cerf, her collaborator on ‘Sesame Street.’ … To demonstrate the concepts of jam-packed and empty, she sent chirping chickens charging into a room through a door and a window, only to retreat just as swiftly.”

And Now Begins Musician Summer Camp

“For American music fans, these festivals offer opportunities to hear top-flight musicians in idyllic settings much closer than, say, Salzburg, Austria, or Lucerne, Switzerland. But the festivals offer musicians not just extra work in the summer, but also changes of scenery and of colleagues and a chance to stretch out artistically — along with plenty of ancillary benefits.”

Thank You, Robots, For Preserving Print Newspapers

“In the dark void of the National Newspaper Building, the robots are afoot. Towering 20 metres high and stretching far into the distance is an imposing expanse of racks, heaving with trays bearing volume upon volume of newspapers, laid flat and strapped between metal sheets. Suddenly, an enormous autonomous crane zooms forwards, stops abruptly and, with a hydraulic gasp, shoots out an arm. Lifting a large metal tray off the scaffold, it deposits it on a conveyor belt and races into the dark.”