A New Paradigm In Europe (And What Role Artists Play)

“We need to learn how to construct plural truths and yet manage consistent ethics. We need to move away from monotheism. The different communities engaged with art have a potentially revolutionary role to play in this, especially if they again elide its old claim to autonomous action within the artistic field, with a real stake in a change in thinking about and acting in society.”

Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk Has A Manifesto For Museums: Think Small (And Avoid Governments)

“The aim of the great state-sponsored museums is to represent a state and that is neither a good nor innocent aim. … It is imperative that museums become smaller, more orientated towards the individual and more economical. This is the only way that they can ever tell stories on a human scale. The great museums invite us to forget our humanity and to accept the state and its human masses. This is why there are millions, outside the West, who are frightened by museums. This is why museums are associated with governments.”

Scientists Fed 1,700 Novels Into Their Computers And Boiled Down Our Literature Into Six Basic Story Arcs

“Their method is straightforward. The idea behind sentiment analysis is that words have a positive or negative emotional impact. So words can be a measure of the emotional valence of the text and how it changes from moment to moment. So measuring the shape of the story arc is simply a question of assessing the emotional polarity of a story at each instant and how it changes.”

The Woman Who Put L.A. On The Art Map

“The events helped fuse a young and geographically disconnected L.A. art scene. And debauchery unfurled on a grand scale. Guests would stream out to their cars the next day, wincing in the early-morning sunlight; others would stay for weeks on end, until the next party blossomed.”