Bronx Museum Leads Revival Of Borough

“The new building, designed by the Miami firm Arquitectonica, is open and running. The museum has more than quadrupled its private fund raising and has run surpluses for two years in a row. This year’s gala, in May, raised $140,000 — an almost 40% increase over last year. The museum’s re-energized board, expanded to 19 members from 14, donated an additional $100,000.”

Age Of The Amateur

Next to the US, the UK is the biggest market for the production of musicals in the amateur sector, and this secondary market, as it’s called, is a major revenue stream for the creators of musicals: while major revivals only come along occasionally, amateur productions keep the flame burning for them in between. Amateurs help the theatre and theatre-makers not only to survive, but also to thrive.

London’s Week Of Dance Records

“Over the coming week more of the city’s dancers are being called on to generate yet more press by participating in the record-breaking activities dominating the festival. For example: performing the biggest ever Bollywood dance; executing the largest number of football freestyle tricks in one minute; amassing the largest number of couples jiving simultaneously; getting more than 191 ballet dancers balancing on pointe for one minute, and achieving the largest number of streetdance moves in a minute.”