The Grandmaster Of Hyperopera (Yep, That Is A Thing)

Anne LeBaron is finally getting her moment in the musical sun. The composer’s “penchant for working with other musicians and designers across multiple art forms may have found its fullest expression in the multi-media Crescent City. LeBaron has said that the concept of hyperopera, which she has taught in CalArts classes, denotes ‘an opera resulting from intensive collaboration across all the disciplines essential for producing opera in the 21st century.'”

Opera On The Beach: Bring It!

“A great screen was set up on the very beach itself, and the opera performed, as seen by the black-tied audience in the award-winning glass-and-steel theatre at Wormsley, to thousands sitting on the sand, while donkeys took their children for rides, and the adults vainly tried to keep the beach out of their sandwiches.”

What The Hell Is Really Going On With The New York Public Library?

“The debate is getting bitter. Hundreds of writers, from Peter Carey to Mario Vargas Llosa, have gone on record against the plan. An exhaustive exposé in the literary magazine n+1 raised the temperature, and the current issue of theNew York Review of Books contains page after page of tetchy point v counterpoint. Whatever the fate of our library, a lot of people are going to be very angry when this is all over.”

Artist Rachel Whiteread Was In Whitechapel Long Before The Hipster Olympics

After the artist (now a Turner Prize-winning sculptor) graduated from art school in the ’80s, she moved to London’s East End. “‘I remember calling my mum from a phone box outside,’ she says, her voice on the edge of laughter, as it often seems to be. ‘There was blood all over it. I thought: “Oh my God, where have I moved to?”‘

Putting A Monetary Value On The Arts – Is That Possible, Or Even Desirable?

“We tend to think of the arts as ‘independent and esoteric.’ In fact, they are dependent (meaning simply, ‘connected’) and everyday.Trying to tease out their monetary value, therefore, is practically impossible, not to mention their effects on our other cultural practices. Just look at the local effects of one little satirical sketch comedy show, Portlandia, on the city and its sense of itself. How do you measure that?”

The Crowd’s Not So Wise – But Neither Are The Experts

“After the better part of a decade in which various markets, from Intrade to the stock market, became many people’s preferred way to peer into the future, a backlash is clearly under way. Not so long ago, knowing about the existence of Intrade was a mark of being in the vanguard. Today, mocking Intrade, ideally on Twitter, is a sign of sophistication.” But don’t ask experts about the future either – they’re just as wrong, and just as mocked.