Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.07.14

On the State of Opera
(introducing a new ArtsJournal blog by former Seattle Opera general director Speight Jenkins)
AJBlog: OperaSleuth | Published 2014-07-07

Creative Placemaking: A Conversation
(introducing a three-week blogging event from National Arts Strategies)
AJBlog: Field Notes | Published 2014-07-07

Practicing extreme transparency: Why does your “About Us” section have to be so boring?
AJBlog: Speaker | Published 2014-07-07

Small Show At The Met Makes Me Wish…
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-06

In Praise of Spoilers (and a plug for Jacob’s Pillow)
AJBlog: We The Audience | Published 2014-07-07

Building Communities, Building the Field
AJBlog: Field Notes | Published 2014-07-08



The Secret Of Brian Eno’s Genius: Cluelessness

Sasha Frere-Jones: “Eno is widely known for coining the term ‘ambient music,’ and he produced a clutch of critically revered albums in the nineteen-seventies and eighties – by the Talking Heads, David Bowie, and U2, among others – but if I had to choose his greatest contribution to popular music it would be the idea that musicians do their best work when they have no idea what they’re doing.”