Jacob’s Pillow Director Leaves For New-Created Position At Mellon Foundation

Ella Baff has been at Jacob’s Pillow, which is home to America’s longest-running dance festival, for 17 years. In a statement, Mark Leavitt, the board chairman at Jacob’s Pillow, wished Baff well. “The Mellon Foundation is an important institution that has been a longtime supporter of the arts and some of the Pillow’s most successful programs,” he said.

How Much Does Your Family’s Wealth Influence What You Study In College?

“With average earnings for different types of degrees as well-publicized as they are—the difference in lifetime earnings among majors can be more than $3 million, one widely covered study found—it’s not hard to imagine a student deciding his or her academic path based on its expected payout. And it’s especially not hard to imagine poorer kids making this calculation out of necessity, while richer kids forgo that means-to-an-end thinking.”