Do University Teaching Jobs Stunt Writers?

“Even in Britain, whose elite universities were once home to elbow-patched, tweed-jacketed writers never burdened with the expectation of production — E. M. Forster famously spent more than two decades as an honorary fellow at King’s College, Cambridge, without ever publishing another novel — technocratic administrators have managed to extend their control over writers to a dispiriting degree.”

Experiencing A 5,000-Year-Old Subterranean Cave System With Ruth Bader Ginsberg

It doesn’t matter if the West, whatever the president meant by that, wants to or “has the will to survive,” whatever survival means. “Visiting the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum is a good reminder that no matter how hard you resist, everything around you will eventually be buried and that most likely no one will find it until thousands of years later, and if they do, it’s usually by accident.”

Of *Course* There’s An ‘Accidental Wes Anderson’ Reddit Thread

The internet, and Reddit, can be terrible cesspools – and they can also be very, very wonderful places, where people who love Wes Anderson films and sets and filmography know how to replicate the eye of the director. “There are the eye-popping colors and the strong, well-defined lines. There are the eccentric architectural triumphs and eerie quiet. But most importantly, there are those shots ― the ones that zoom in and out with an almost borderline obsessiveness in their quest for near-perfect, everything-just-so symmetry.”