Notes Of Disapproval

“What could be more authentic than a complaints choir that pours out its frustrations to a completely impervious audience? As my kvetching grows louder, so does my rage. I storm off to a smattering of applause that can do nothing to smudge the shared sense of catharsis. And, for once, I have the oddest feeling: I have absolutely nothing to complain about.”

Thomas Disch, 68

“Thomas M. Disch, an author, poet and critic who twisted the inherently twisted genre of science fiction in new, disturbing directions, including writing his last book in the voice of God, died on Friday in his Manhattan apartment… His friend Alice K. Turner said Mr. Disch shot himself.”

Authenticity Dustup Nearly Over

“A long legal battle over an Art Deco table owned by Ronald O. Perelman is just now being settled and is awaiting the judge’s final disposition.” The dispute began when Perelman began to suspect that the table was a fake, and escalated when he refused to pay for more art objects sent to him by the dealer who supplied the table.

The Viral Dance Video That Makes You Happy

The hottest thing on YouTube at the moment may be a relatively simple video of a guy dancing, “a big, doughy-looking fellow in shorts and hiking boots performing an arm-swinging, knee-pumping step that could charitably be called goofy… However you interpret it, you can’t watch “Dancing” for very long without feeling a little happier.”

Balancing Art And Dollars In Pittsburgh

“Christopher Hahn’s promotion from artistic director to general director of the Pittsburgh Opera might appear to be a nod by its board in the direction of artistry, given that he’s had tremendous success re-inventing the opera company’s look and invigorating its casting since arriving here in 2000. [But] it was Hahn’s ability to make difficult decisions with a limited artistic budget that helped secure the promotion.”