All The Stuff We’re Learning As The Met Opera And Its Unions Negotiate In Public

“Now, as the company tries to win concessions from its unions by the end of this month, the labor talks are laying bare new details of life at the Met, from what performers earn to the Met’s recent box office struggles – which, an analysis of ticket sales showed, led the company to sell as many as a quarter of its seats at a discount at a handful of performances.”

Director Christopher Nolan (‘The Dark Knight’) On The Bleak, Bright Future Of Cinema

“A movie’s Friday matinees would determine whether it even gets an evening screening, or whether the projector switches back to last week’s blockbuster. … This bleak future is the direction the industry is pointed in, but even if it arrives it will not last. Once movies can no longer be defined by technology, you unmask powerful fundamentals – the timelessness, the otherworldliness, the shared experience of these narratives.”

What The Arab-Israeli Conflict Looks Like To Martians (As Channeled By Margaret Atwood)

“The Martians make a visit to Earth. When they get there, everyone on the planet is in a huge meeting. ‘What are they doing’ say the Martians. ‘They’re discussing Peace in the Middle East,’ says one of the Three Wise Persons. … ‘How can it be,’ say the Martians to the Three Wise Persons, ‘that nobody can figure out how to accomplish a thing that everyone seems to want?'”

The CIA Has A Style Manual (And It’s Ruthless)

The darnedest things turn up from Freedom of Information Act requests: the Directorate of Intelligence’s Style Manual & Writers Guide for Intelligence Publications (eighth edition, 2011). “As revealed in the manual, the CIA is a prescriptivist scold, a believer in the serial comma, and a champion of ‘crisp and pungent’ language ‘devoid of jargon’.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.08.14

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Companion Slideshow for My WSJ Piece on Reimagined (and today evacuated) Clark Art Institute
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Intrigue: Director of Timken Museum Is Out
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Other Places: A Sideman Remembers Silver
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