Pierre Cardin Gives Up On His Skyscraper Over Venice

“The Palais Lumière, a 254 metre-high skyscraper planned for the ex-industrial area of Marghera, 9.5 kilometres from the centre of Venice, will not now be built.” Cardin is “abandoning the project because two and a half years had gone by without the necessary permissions being granted,” due to opposition from local officials and residents as well as Italy’s culture minister.

Why Disney’s Lone Ranger Was Doomed To Be A Financial Sinkhole

Andrew O’Hehir: “One could also understand big, stupid, money-losing pictures as a feature of Hollywood’s production system, rather than a bug. … The movie industry, at least at that level, operates on the same delusional principles as the military budget or Wall Street executive salaries, where bigness, waste and needless expenditure in all directions become markers of significance and ambition.”

Does The Noise Of A Coffee Shop Help Your Creativity? Now You Can Stream It Over The Web

“Recent brain research has shown that the moderate ambient noise of café chatter and espresso machines, in the range of about about 70 decibels, fosters creative work … Coffitivity plays an audio feed of the optimal noise level of clinking cups and people talking. It also makes recommendations on the volume at which to overlay your own music for maximum concentration.”