Why Is Reading Poetry Aloud So Scary (For The Performer *And* The Audience)?

“As poets with performance backgrounds rise through the ranks of poetry print culture, American poetry appears caught between a fear of performance and a celebration of it. As these page + stage poets become more prominent in universities, journals, and reading series, are they helping to renew conversations about performance as an aspect of making poems?”

OK, So What’s A LORT?

Unless you’re a theatre junkie, you might not know that hiding behind the acronym is a nationwide organization of almost 75 theatres in all major cities (and many other cities) across the U.S. And oh hey? They pay their actors.

Amazon Proposes Giving Authors 100 Percent Of Sales In Dispute With Hachette

The retailer suggested that both Amazon and Hachette forgo “all revenue and profit from the sale of every ebook until an agreement is reached”, saying this might “take authors out of the middle of the Hachette-Amazon dispute (actually it would be a big windfall for authors) and would motivate both Hachette and Amazon to work faster to resolve the situation”.

What’s Happened To Arts Journalism? Going, Going…

“That art and culture are falling off the organized news media’s map certainly is an affront to those who know and cherish their value, because it translates to a judgment from publishers and content providers that the arts are less worthy of public attention than what else sadly passes for news. Worse, though, in time it has potential to become victim to a self-fulfilling prophecy if everyday people have less access to art and culture, and eventually less incentive to find it.”