Supreme Court’s Interstate Sales Tax Ruling Will Impact Galleries And Art Sales

The Wayfair decision looks like a sales tax game-changer for many New York galleries,” attorney and art law expert Thomas C. Danziger told artnet News. “Until now, most New York dealers who delivered works of art to out-of-state buyers didn’t even have to think about sales tax, much less go through the exercise of computing and collecting tax from the buyer based on the delivery location.

New York City’s Been The Capital Of Tap Dancing For Two Centuries

“In the 1800s, tap appeared along the East River at Catherine Market, where slaves from Manhattan, New Jersey and Long Island would congregate. ‘They were coming in to sell herbs and roots on their days off — they were allowed by their masters to do that — and they also had their dancing skills to sell. … They’d put down pieces of wood they called shingles and do a jig and a breakdown for money.'”

Wattpad Has Built A Thriving Fiction Community. Now It’s Become A Go-To For Hollywood

It’s a nurturing, highly interactive community where its core 13- to 35-year-old readership spends around 20 billion combined minutes per month consuming and critiquing user-generated stories, in genres such as sci-fi, young-adult fiction, poetry, and horror, but also fanciful fanfic with titles like 50 Shades of Drake and Harry Styles Dirty Imagines. For Hollywood development executives, however, Wattpad has come to serve an altogether different purpose. Since launching its dedicated entertainment division Wattpad Studios two years ago, the self-publishing platform has evolved into a one-stop shop for fresh IP: an influential incubator for original storytelling with a decidedly Gen Y bent.

‘Football’s Coming Home’ – Unpacking England’s World Cup Anthem

Rebecca Mead has a go at the 1996 song whose official title is “Three Lions”: “It has been suggested that the song is about the heartbreaking condition of being a fan, which, in soccer-centric terms at least, it is. But it is also a song about English defeat — or, to put it more precisely, English defeatedness. … It’s a song about decline and regret and loss, about the tempting allure of resignation — the English emotional default — and the terrible pain of hopefulness.”

How To Make Sense Of Coincidences?

Today, nearly all scientists say that coincidences are just that: coincidences – void of greater meaning. Yet, they’re something we all experience, and with a frequency that is uniform across age, sex, country, job, even education level. Those who believe that they’ve had a ‘meaningful coincidence’ in their lives experience a collision of events so remarkable and unlikely that they chose to ascribe a form of grander meaning to the occurrence, via fate or divinity or existential importance.

Meet The Man Who Got A Best Choreography Tony Nomination For A Straight Play (‘Harry Potter And The Cursed Child’)

“[Steven] Hoggett … did not win the Tony. (That went to Justin Peck for the more traditionally dance-heavy Carousel.) But the recognition was well deserved: His choreography and movement direction for the two-part Cursed Child is no less meticulous and detailed than any dance number, and as important to the theatrical language of the play as the writing, by Jack Thorne, and the direction, by John Tiffany.”

California Museum Named After Dalí Gets Sued For Infringing On Artist’s Name And Image

“The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí in Figueres, Spain has sued the museum Dalí17 in Monterey, California over its use of the artist’s name and imagery. The museum’s logo, which features a sketch of Dali’s face complete with upturned moustache, and its ‘unauthorised’ use of the artist’s work on its website, social media accounts and merchandise ‘unfairly and unlawfully wrest from the Foundation control over its DALÍ marks and its reputation,’ … according to the complaint. “

Alan Johnson, 81, Choreographer For Broadway And Mel Brooks Movies

“A wiry, calming presence backstage, Mr. Johnson choreographed solo shows and revues for performers including Ann-Margret, Bernadette Peters, Tommy Tune and Shirley MacLaine, who once christened him the ‘heir apparent’ to acclaimed choreographers Michael F. Bennet and Bob Fosse. Yet Mr. Johnson remained best known for his work with Brooks” – the dancing in “Springtime for Hitler” in The Producers, the “Puttin’ on the Ritz” tap dance in Young Frankenstein, Madeline Kahn’s burlesque number in Blazing Saddles, the Busby Berkeley-style monks and nuns in History of the World: Part I.