Tampa Funding Cuts Threaten Orchestra Programs

“The city has recommended a 20 percent cut in the operating subsidies for these and other nonprofit organizations. For the orchestra, the figure could be $80,000 and will translate to fewer outdoor concerts and youth and education programs. The city this year had slated $400,000 in nondepartmental funds for the orchestra. ‘Although the roughly $500,000 overall in recommended cuts is not drastic, it symbolizes the marginalization of the arts’.”

Modern Dance In Ancient Land

Greece doesn’t immediately spring to mind when you think of modern dance. But “a 2005 report found more than 60 registered contemporary dance companies and many more independent choreographers. And there also seems to be an enthusiastic public for this kind of work, if the full houses and animated reactions seen over the last few days at the Athens Epidaurus Festival are anything to go by.”

Leonard Slatkin Sees Opportunity In Nashville

Post-National Symphony, conductor Leonard Slatkin has landed at the Nashville Symphony. “For the moment, it seems hard to believe that Slatkin would seriously consider a permanent post in Nashville–if for no other reason than that he was earning about $1 million a year more in Washington than the Nashville Symphony could reasonably afford to pay a new music director.” So what’s the attration?

Hollywood Execs Want To End Residual Payments

“The executives stopped short of saying they would demand an immediate end to residual payments in the upcoming, probably difficult negotiations with writers, actors and directors. But they were emphatic in calling for the dismantling of a system under which specific payments are made when movies and showsare released on DVD, shown abroad or otherwise resold. Instead, they want to pool such revenue and recover their costs before sharing any of the profit with the talent.”