“Leotards, tights, leg warmers and ballet slippers – these are bedrock accessories visible at most dance studios. But add ropes, pulleys, harnesses, Bungee cords and even such exotic-sounding implements as carabiners and the Lyra hoop, and you get an idea of the needs of Ameba Acrobatic & Aerial Dance, a Chicago troupe intent on taking dance in a special direction: up, sometimes way up, into the air.”
Tag: 07.11.10
Historians Think They’ve Found King Arthur’s Round Table (And It Seats 1,000)
“But rather than it being a piece of furniture, historians believe it would have been a vast wood and stone structure which would have allowed more than 1,000 of his followers to gather.”
Thinking Pink (And What That Means)
“Pink means ‘girl’ in a way so direct that no other color comes close. But when you start to look at the roles pink plays in American culture, the story becomes a lot more complex. … To understand how Americans use pink, both embracing it and subverting it, is to realize how we feel about femininity. Once you notice that, there’s no turning back.”
Baltimore’s Peculiar Cinematic Mythology
“Victoriana and vulgarity. Deco and decay. Such are the ways that the cinematic mythology of Baltimore infiltrates the imaginations and daily lives of the people who live here, creating a uniquely enchanted experience of the city, even at its grittiest and, sometimes, most hopeless.”
Copy? Steal? What’s It All Mean In A Recycled Culture?
When popular culture seems to be an endless recycle of ideas that have already been played, what constitutes copying? Or Theft? “The question may not be what is completely new but rather what is assembling recycled parts in a completely new way.”
How Social Media IS Infiltrating The Arts Experience
“For the performing arts, Twitter is shaping up to be revolutionary, as some of the world’s oldest media forms are compelled to engage with the newest. Both are about groups coming together to share an experience. But now, through Twitter, the audience and the makers of art are getting closer and closer.”
Older Readers Driving E-Book Adoption?
“Makers of e-books are stingy with their numbers, and industry watchdogs disagree, but some say a large proportion of early e-book owners – up to 66 percent in some surveys – are older than 40, with a “sweet spot” in the 35-to-54 range.”
A Great Year For St. Louis Opera
“Ninety percent of available tickets went for the entire six-week season. Twenty-two percent of the audience was new this season, continuing a trend from last year. OTSL had its highest ticket revenue ever, even without increasing ticket prices and while offering special prices on tickets for children and teens to come to ‘Ticket’.”
Does The English Language Need Protection?
“The proposed Academy of English wouldn’t police the language, so much as act as its bodyguard: pushing stray apostrophes back into line, reminding students that “innit” may be a suitable sentence-ender on the bus, but is probably not something you want to say during a job interview, unless you don’t actually want the job.”
Baltimore Sees A Revival Of Artists
“Over the past five years or so, the art scene there has taken off. The flight of industry has left factories just begging to be turned into studios and living spaces, at prices the most junior artist can afford. There’s a fine source for that emerging talent.”