Why Books Will Continue To Thrive

“An ereader, like all gadgets, is shiny, plastic, artificial. A book is pliable, organic, warm. And that, in the end, is the reason I suspect the ereader will be slow to become a mass-market phenomenon, if indeed it ever does. It works for me because it is an elegant solution to a specific problem – that of carrying heavy books on the Tube. But it won’t work for everyone.”

The Genius Who Has To Learn To Be Himself Again

Seymour Papert, “who was a professor of mathematics, education, and media technology at MIT, has devoted much of his career to learning: self-learning (he taught himself Russian) and learning about learning. He was one of the early pioneers of artificial intelligence, and he invented the computer language Logo to teach children about computers. Now he must learn something even more challenging – how to be Seymour Papert again.”