Batsheva Dance Co. To Face More Protests, This Time At Edinburgh

“Campaigners are planning disruption at the Edinburgh International Festival of performances by Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company.” Scottish protesters argue that “Batsheva [is] ‘actively complicit in whitewashing Israeli human-rights abuses, apartheid, and occupation of Palestinian land’ because it receives funding from the Israeli government.”

Who Were The First North Americans? The Answer Has Just Changed

“New evidence from caves in Oregon may finally put to rest the long-held theory that the early people who made Clovis spear points were the first inhabitants of North America. … The new finds provide strong support for growing genetic evidence that indicates the Americas were populated in at least three waves of immigration beginning at least 15,000 years ago.”

Seeing Greek Choruses Everywhere

Ben Brantley: “Have you heard from the members of the chorus lately? Sure you have. They’re the ones who huddle in the office cafeteria, speculating on how long that arrogant new boss will last. Who sit before giant screens in sports bars lamenting the fall of a once mighty pitcher. … They have also been hanging out on amphitheater and proscenium stages for 2000 years or so … [and they] are still very much with us in the theater, though they don’t always identify themselves as such.”

Turning Classic Movie Scenes Into Ottoman Paintings

“For his senior graduation project, Turkish student Murat Palta crafted a portfolio of paintings in the style of 16th-century Ottoman miniatures. … The trippy part: These illustrations take iconic scenes from Inception, A Clockwork Orange, Alien, Star Wars, The Godfather, Scarface, The Shining, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day as their subjects. Gangsters wear taqiyahs; Arnold Schwarzenegger rides a graceful steed.”