Banksy’s Identity Revealed

A Mail on Sunday investigation has uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that the artist is former public schoolboy Robin Gunningham. The notion that Banksy is Gunningham, 34, who was educated at the £9,240-a-year Bristol Cathedral School, will shock the artist’s fans, fond of their hero’s ‘anti-establishment’ stance.”

DC – America’s Next Theatre Center?

“The week gave substance to the claim that the Washington area, with some 60 professional theater companies, may rank third in the country, ahead of such well-established theatrical hotbeds as San Francisco and Minneapolis-St. Paul. To hear Washingtonians tell it, it’s even closing fast on No. 2, Chicago (which itself claims to be closing fast on New York).”

China – The Future Expressed In Buildings

“Critics have incessantly described these high-profile projects as bullish expressions of the nation’s budding global primacy. Yet these buildings are not simply blunt expressions of power. Like the great monuments of 16th-century Rome or 19th-century Paris, China’s new architecture exudes an aura that has as much to do with intellectual ferment as economic clout.”