Evaluating Iris Murdoch At 100

Her work, much of which is being reissued, is still incredibly relevant. “A crucial idea in Murdoch’s fiction is the reality of others, a material fact that we are confronted with daily but, in our innermost selves, seem hardly able to grasp. We glimpse them in continually evolving contexts inflected with our own agendas, which may also remain mysterious to us.” – The Guardian (UK)

Scarlett Johansson Says She Should Be Allowed To Play Anything, Including ‘A Tree,’ Because That’s Her Job

Oh boy. This is going to end well. “‘As an actor I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job,’ Johansson explained. ‘I feel like it’s a trend in my business and it needs to happen for various social reasons, yet there are times it does get uncomfortable when it affects the art because I feel art should be free of restrictions.'” – Vulture