Screen Actors Guild May Put Deal In Front Of Its Members

“Guild insiders have acknowledged they have few other options left in the face of the congloms’ adamant refusal to change terms contained in the two-week-old final offer. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that SAG’s not going to ask its members for a strike authorization, since it’s highly debatable whether the guild would achieve the 75% support level needed for a work stoppage.”

EMI’s Overall Revenues Rise 61% in the First Quarter

Heartening news for the recorded music imprint, earning $119 million one year after losing $89.6 million. Still, its ownership, an investment bank, said don’t get too excited. “It can be misleading to look at just one quarter in isolation due to the timings of releases. As we all know, the recorded music business is extremely volatile and we cannot count on future quarters always being this good.”

So Why Aren’t People Outraged by The Capitol Steps?

“Although every critic of The New Yorker understood the simple satire of the cover, the most fretful of them worried that the illustration would be misread by the ignorant masses who don’t subscribe to the magazine.” Says one blogger, “That’s the problem with satire. A lot of people won’t get the joke…there’s no caption on the cover to ensure that everyone” will understand the punch line.

Challenging The Longtail Theory

“In 2007, 24 percent of the nearly 4 million digital songs available for sale through stores like iTunes sold only one copy each, and 91 percent of available tracks sold fewer than 100 copies each. The story is the same for the movie business, where, between 2000 and 2005, the number of titles that were purchased only a few times “almost quadrupled.” The Internet offers us a buffet of everything–and yet we’re mainly settling for the likes of The Love Guru and You Don’t Mess With the Zohan.”