Greece’s Olympic Legacy In Disrepair

“It’s been more than 10 years since Greece was granted the right to host the Olympics, which cost the tiny Balkan nation in excess of nine billion euros, more than double the original budget. The Games’ dubious legacy — and a warning to future hosts — is that today, 21 of 22 venues remain shuttered, locked and empty, costing taxpayers millions of euros in annual maintenance fees.”

A Cartoonist Too Far

“Cartoonists are some of the most painstaking, careful, shy and sensitive people on earth, yet we do play with fire, toying with other people’s (and of course our own) most deeply held beliefs and most cherished illusions. Is it possible to go too far? Of course it is. Should we go too far? Of course we should.”

Cruising The Art Market

“Auctioning ‘fine art’ on cruises, often to first-time bidders who have never met a reserve or inspected a provenance, has become big business.” But the practice has led to complaints from buyers over the quality of the art offered, and the inflating of its value by auctioneers and dealers.