The Science Of Sentimentality

“What is sentimentality? Is it a manipulation tactic, a type of emotion – the desire to be overwhelmed mixed with self-regard – or an overwrought response to a trigger? What factors predispose you to it: youth or age, a gene, a gender, a mood, an IQ score? Is sentimentality useless or precious? … Why does weeping in the darkness of the theater feel so lovely? Why does clicking on an Upworthy link feel so wrong?”

“A Flaming Bag Of Dog Poop”: Seattle G&S Society Responds To “Mikado”-As-Yellowface Column

Company business manager Pamela Kelley Elend: “Ms. Chan formed her opinion, and it is an opinion not backed up by facts, research, or actually seeing a performance … She wielded that power [of the press] to lob the journalistic equivalent of a flaming bag of dog poop on our door step. We can try to stomp out the fire, and rinse off the residue, but we are still tainted by the stink.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.16.14

American Art Bonanza Left By Richard Mellon Scaife
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-16

The Self-Centered Pursuit of Diversity
AJBlog: Engaging Matters | Published 2014-07-16

The Peter Gelb furor
AJBlog: Sandow | Published 2014-07-16

Grand Bargain vs. Tawdry Fire Sale: Detroit Institute of Arts’ Progress on the Former, Caveats on the Latter
AJBlog: CultureGrrl | Published 2014-07-16

“Anonymous” Women, Once Again
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-07-17

Placemaking: Bringing People Together
AJBlog: Field Notes | Published 2014-07-17


Detroit Companies Pledge $26 Million Toward Saving Detroit Institute of Arts

“The institute announced Wednesday that a large group of companies, foundations and wealthy individuals – Roger S. Penske and the Penske Corporation; Quicken Loans and the Rock Ventures Family of Companies; DTE Energy; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan; Meijer; Comerica Bank; the JPMorgan Chase Foundation; Consumers Energy and Delta Air Lines Foundation – had pledged $26.8 million toward a $100 million commitment by the museum as its part of the “Grand Bargain.”

Italy Turns To Corporate Sponsors To Maintain Its Monuments

“The practice of using corporate largess to finance restoration projects for public antiquities was once fairly rare here. But with the nation struggling with a stagnant economy and crushing public debt – Rome is flirting off and on with bankruptcy – politicians are now looking to private companies and international sources to help preserve Italy’s cultural heritage.”