A Scientific Explanation For ABBA?

“ABBA’s songs continue to endure as what scientists have dubbed ”earworms” 35 years after the band’s first album was released. Like those little bugs, the tunes burrow into our brains and keep hitting the repeat button. With all this renewed interest, we wondered if it was possible to break down scientifically why the music is so irresistible.”

Movie Employment Drops In LA

“Movie and television production employed 157,800 people in the area last year but will drop this year to 151,800, said the Los Angeles Economic Development Corp. It gave the industry a C-minus, one of the lowest grades among all major export industries. The 3.8% drop puts entertainment second from the bottom among major industries, ahead of only construction, which will see a 6.6% drop in employees.”

Louvre Gets A Major Hit Of Islam

“The Louvre’s bold new Islamic art wing had its first stone laid by Sarkozy yesterday , launching the museum’s most daring project since IM Pei created the giant glass pyramid 20 years ago. The world’s most visited museum will have Europe’s biggest purpose-built exhibition space for an Islamic art collection, which France hopes will reconcile the secular republic with the world of Islamic heritage.”