How Wayne McGregor Is Stealing Ideas From The World For Dance

“The choreographer has long believed in ‘colliding different sorts of intelligence in one place’. Increasingly, academic research suggests that creative imagination is impossible without collaboration: such findings are being embraced by organisations such as Second Home, which offers cross-disciplinary co-working opportunities in London and Lisbon (and claims its businesses grow ten times faster as a result) or Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, whose international residency programme provides free space to creators across the arts, science and technology.”

What Documenta Left Behind In Athens (And What It Didn’t)

“‘Too bad that it won’t be here anymore,’ says an older woman wearing a large grey ponytail. She’s talking about the free food at the colorful pavilion on Athens’s Kotzia Square. The woman probably doesn’t know that it’s really an art project by Pakistani artist Rasheed Araeen … ‘You have to be pretty brash as a Documenta visitor to sit here and eat the food when there are many who need it more,’ comments one German guest.”

At The Bolshoi Ballet, Makhar Vaziev Is Watching You

“Soon after becoming the ballet director at the Bolshoi Theater, Makhar K. Vaziev installed a large flat-screen television next to his desk that allows him to monitor the rehearsal rooms and the two main stages – the screen divided into nine squares. On a recent afternoon, … he watched as Elvina Ibraimova rehearsed onscreen, then called the studio to tweak a variation. … At first, the dancers and ballet teachers were startled at this Big Brother method of remote supervision, he said, but he seems to want them to know that he is always there.”

Voice Of Kermit The Frog Fired For ‘Unacceptable Business Conduct’; He Calls Dismissal ‘A Betrayal’

Steve Whitmire, 58, had been voicing the Muppets’ flagship character for the 27 years since Jim Henson died. He says, “The only thing I’ve done my whole adult life, and it’s just been taken away from me. I just couldn’t understand why we couldn’t resolve this.” The head of the Muppets Studio, on the other hand, says, “We raised concerns about Steve’s repeated unacceptable business conduct over a period of many years, and he consistently failed to address the feedback.”

A.R.T. And Harvard Stop All Admissions To Graduate Theatre Program For Three Years

“The program, known as the A.R.T. Institute, is housed within Harvard’s acclaimed American Repertory Theater, and has had several recent setbacks that contributed to the freeze. In January, the federal government called out the institute for burdening its students with loan debt averaging about $78,000 each.” This for a program that does not confer an MFA degree.

Antiquities Dealer Sues Wall Street Journal Over Article Suggesting He Trafficked With ISIS

“In the libel suit, the dealer, Hicham Aboutaam, said he has never handled antiquities looted by terrorists and that sales at his Manhattan-based gallery, Phoenix Ancient Art, have plummeted. The article reported that authorities in Switzerland, France, Belgium and the United States were investigating Mr. Aboutaam and his older brother, Ali Aboutaam.”

Ohad Naharin Will Step Down As Artistic Director Of Batsheva Dance Company

“It’s difficult to imagine a Batsheva Dance Company without Ohad Naharin at the helm. The provocative choreographer has been the Israeli troupe’s artistic director since 1990, during which time the company, its lead choreographer and his movement language, Gaga, have become more or less synonymous. But changes are afoot. Batsheva quietly announced on its website this weekend that Naharin will be stepping down from his post as artistic director in September 2018.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.17.17

Welcome to the Community
We are all a part of communities of many different shapes and sizes. Large or small, local to our region or universal, communities offer connection, purpose and a sense of belonging to a group larger … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2017-07-17

Finding Magic in Community
Sometimes joining a new community can open up new, magical worlds that you never imagined were possible. This was Quentin Turner’s experience when he gained a new set of friends, teammates and community through … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2017-07-17

Previewing The Ystad Festival
Before long, the Rifftides staff will be flying to Europe for the 2017 Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival. As always, the festival lineup will include prominent visiting American artists. Among them are tenor … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2017-07-16


Linguistic Theory Is So Abstract, Maybe It’s Not Really A Science?

“The nub of the disagreement here boils down to what exactly linguistics says about the world, and the appropriate archetypes we should apply to make it effective. So just what kinds of questions does linguistics want to answer? What counts as evidence? Is universal grammar in particular – and theoretical linguistics in general – a science at all?”

Louvre Says Violent Storm Damaged Some Of Its Art

“The French museum confirmed that water had invaded the mezzanine of the Denon wing, affecting the “Arts of Islam” and “From the Mediterranean Orient to Roman Times” rooms, both of which have been closed pending hygrometric stabilization. Water also entered the first floor of the Sully wing, affecting the “Salle des Sept-Cheminées” and Henri IV staircase, and the second floor of the Cour Carrée, affecting some rooms housing French paintings.”