The British Actor Who Altered His Career – And The Narrative Around Gay Men – For One 1961 Film

“Before Victim, [Dick Bogarde] was ‘the idol of the Odeons,’ the biggest movie star in the land. But he willingly relinquished that status for Victim. Even more jolting than hearing the word ‘homosexual,’ must have been hearing Bogarde confess to Syms, ‘I wanted him!’ – a jolt of erotic passion even heterosexual movies of the era would avoid.”

Playwrights, Designers, And Even NYT Critics Are Trying To End ‘Theatrical Manspreading’

Laura Collins-Hughes: “The capacity to take women seriously is at the heart of all of this: the idea that we’re not an aberration but half the population, and just as human as the other half. It is ridiculous to me that the need for equal footing even has to be a discussion — that the inherent value of a theater that looks and sounds and feels like all of us should require defending.”