A Dance Critic Looks At Flight Attendants’ Safety Demonstrations

“But whether in the flesh or on-screen, real flight crews don’t want you thinking too hard about the what-ifs … so their moves in safety demos are stylized and abstract. … The life-vest pantomime is a smooth upper-body ballet, each move linked to the next. You’re lulled by the legato; your focus is on the confident visual swirl – inflation tubes, lipstick, finger placement – not on the threat of drowning that underlies it.’

Here’s What It Takes For A Play To Become A Hit On Broadway

“Today it’s inordinately hard for a straight play, no matter how good it is, to run on Broadway for more than a few months, since the first ingredient in the modern recipe for theatrical success is the presence in the cast of a movie or television star. As soon as the star in question returns to Hollywood to resume his or her screen career, the show closes. Things really were different in the old days.”

Why We Need Professional Critics

“When I look on Tripadvisor to see whether I am going to be staying at Fawlty Towers or not, I consider most people are capable of spotting rats in the serving dishes. But I do not feel the same way about reactions to artistic endeavour. What I want when I read a book review is to find out what someone cleverer than me and better read than me thinks about whatever’s being reviewed.”