Pinterest, Tumblr, And A Lot Of Wasted ‘Curation’ Time

“Like other forms of pastiche — the mix tape, the playlist, the mash-up — these sites force you to engage and derive meaning or at least significance or at the very least pleasure from a random grouping of pictures. Why not dive into an alternative world full of beauty and novelty and emotion and the hard-to-put-your-finger-on feeling that there’s something more, somewhere, where you’re not chained to your laptop, half dead from monotony, frustration and boredom?”

Cate Blanchett And Andrew Upton On Running Sydney Theatre Company

She: “[It’s] healthy, anarchic randomness [mixed with] rational, militaristic-like precision.” He: “[It’s] the marriage of the business and the art, which isn’t necessarily an unhappy marriage. … Because in the end, you want happy audiences. You want people to come and see your shows. No one’s trying –” She: “– to be Grotowski. It’s just guiding the right audience to the right show.” He: “We haven’t quite cracked that yet, but we’re working on it.”