House Appropriations Committee Approves Bill Funding NEA And NEH

“The House bill, part of the process of thrashing out the federal budget for fiscal year 2018, includes $145 million for each endowment. The amounts represent a cut of about $5 million to each agency, but is a stark contrast to President Trump’s proposal to eliminate the endowments entirely as outlined in his first federal budget plan he announced in March.”

The Guy Who Started The Ballet-Hip-Hop Mashup Wants To Launch A Professional Hiplet Dance Company

About 25 years ago, at a rap concert in Canada, Homer Bryant had an idea: “I thought if I put rap and ballet together, I might have a hit on my hands.” Eventually, he did: video of his dancers went hugely viral (and got the pearl-clutchers a-clutching). Now (if he can find the donors) he’s hoping to go fully pro. (includes slideshow and video)

Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.20.17

The Fable of One Turtle and Four Humans: A Story of Community
How did the turtle cross the road? The answer according to Greg Milo: thanks to a cardboard box and a community.  … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2017-07-20

Growing Together
Laura Gisler shares a beautiful meditation on what community means to her through these drawings and reflective, poetic words. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2017-07-20


‘Paradise Lost’ Has Been ‘Translated More Often In Last 30 Years Than Previous 300’

“More than 50 academics around the world collaborated to research a new book, Milton in Translation, discovering that the works of the 17th-century author have been translated more than 300 times and into 57 different languages. These range from Faroese and Manx to Tamil and Tongan, from Persian and Hebrew to Frisian and Welsh.”

From The British Museum Extension To A Pier On The Beach: The 2017 Stirling Prize Shortlist

“Hastings’ revived seaside pier will go head to head with a stealthy addition to the British Museum and a photographer’s concrete studio in west London in the race to win the RIBA Stirling prize for the UK’s best new building. They are joined on a diverse shortlist by a new visitor centre at Chatham’s historic naval dockyard, a little brick tower of six apartments in east London and a gargantuan complex for the City of Glasgow College – the second year running that the young institution has made the shortlist.”