Canadian Opera Company Keeps Alexander Neef For Eight More Years

“His method is to build shows as carefully as possible, let no detail slip by unconsidered, and miss no opportunity for what he calls ‘the transformational project,’ the endeavour that changes the company, ratchets up its level of achievement and – very importantly – alters people’s perceptions about what it can do. If it takes years to pull that off, he and his company are willing to work and wait.”

Can The Barnes Foundation And The Rodin Museum Achieve Synergy?

“Having the Barnes collection next door should benefit Rodin, which has coordinated its opening hours with those of its neighbor. However, the Barnes is such an overwhelming experience, especially for first-time visitors, that doing Rodin on the same day might strike even committed aesthetes as a too-formidable challenge. Certainly the two collections demand different mind-sets.”

A Tax Bill Of $29 Million – For A Piece Of Art That Is Illegal To Sell

While art lovers may appreciate the I.R.S.’s aesthetic sensibilities, some estate planners, tax lawyers and collectors are alarmed at the agency’s position, arguing that the case could upend the standard practice of valuing assets according to their sale in a normal market. I.R.S. guidelines say that in figuring an item’s fair market value, taxpayers should “include any restrictions, understandings, or covenants limiting the use or disposition of the property.”

How Deitch’s Shenanigans At MOCA Look To The World Outside The Broad Bubble

“The museum, which counted artists among its most active founders, has always had them on its board. In a sense their loss was as shocking as anything that came before, because it signaled in the extreme a loss of faith on the part of artists. Mr. Deitch’s tenure as director has so far been a disappointment even to the people who thought it was a feasible idea in the first place.”